Latin America

Mexico to Deny Entry to Migrants Deported From Texas Under New SB4 Law – Foreign Ministry

A member of the Texas National Guard looks on as he monitors the Rio Grande river for migrants at the US-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas on September 23, 2023A member of the Texas National Guard looks on as he monitors the Rio Grande river for migrants at the US-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas on September 23, 2023 - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.03.2024

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Mexican government does not intend to accept its citizens who will undergo repatriation from Texas under the US state’s new SB4 legislation, the Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretariat said on Wednesday. “Mexico reiterates its legitimate right to protect the rights of its nationals in the United States and to determine its own policies regarding entry into its territory. Mexico recognizes the importance of a uniform migration policy and the bilateral efforts with the United States to ensure that migration is safe, orderly and respectful of human rights, and is not affected by state or local legislative decisions. In this regard, Mexico will not accept, under any circumstances, repatriations by the State of Texas,” the ministry said in a statement published while the law was briefly in effect. The foreign ministry condemned the SB4 law, saying that the legislation is aimed at disrupting migration flow by “criminalizing” the migrants, the ministry said. “Mexico categorically rejects any measure that allows state or local authorities to exercise immigration control, and to arrest and return nationals or foreigners to Mexican territory. Mexico also questions legal provisions that affect the human rights of the more than 10 million people of Mexican origin who live in Texas, and give rise to hostile environments in which the migrant community is exposed to hate speech, discrimination and racial profiling,” the statement read. Close to 8 million migrants have illegally entered the United States via the southern border since Joe Biden became president in 2021.A border patrol agent talks to a group of migrants before processing them after they crossed the US-Mexico border on November 11, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.05.2023AmericasMexico Temporarily Stops Migrant Transit Through Country – Reports13 May 2023, 05:01 GMTOn Tuesday, the US Supreme Court temporarily granted the state of Texas authority to carry out a state law known as SB4 that allows local authorities to arrest migrants suspected of entering the United States illegally from the southern border and return them to Mexico regardless of their country of origin. Hours after, a federal appeals court froze the law.


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